What is baldness?
There are on an average 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on the human scalp. Hairs grow from follicles that are sac like structures under the skin. At any time 90% of the hair are in the growth phase, which lasts an average of 4 to 5 years, after which it enters the resting phase, which lasts for 2 to 4 months. At the end of the resting phase, the hair falls out naturally and is replaced by a new hair. Some hair loss, 50 to 150 per day, is normal.
Baldness or alopecia results when hair loss occurs at an abnormally high rate, replacement occurs at an abnormally slow rate or when normal hairs are replaced by thinner, shorter ones.
What are the types of baldness?
- Androgenic alopecia also known as male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss. It occurs more frequently in men than in women. It is a permanent type of hair loss and occurs in a characteristic pattern on the scalp. The hair loss begins at the temples and at the top of the head towards the back, causing a receding hairline and a bald spot. Balding may begin at any age after puberty and can range from partial loss to complete baldness. Hormonal imbalance, mainly testosterone, and genetic factors are responsible for this type of hair loss.
- Alopecia areata leads to patchy hair loss on the scalp. The exact cause is not known, but it is thought to be the result of the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicles.
- Traction alopecia is caused due to long-term pulling on the hair. This is caused by certain hairstyles, such as tight braids. The hair loss is usually reversible once the cause of the pulling is eliminated.
What are the causes of baldness?
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